We Get You Ready for Your Next Step
ERIC shares his Ministry, Consulting, and Education expertise, gifts, and networks to equip, design, and embed, innovative, customized paradigms and models that actively engage You and Yours to do even Greater Works. He looks forward to designing a personalized presentation and message for your needs.
Experience When it Counts
ERIC is a “Bridge-Builder” thought leader having worked with more than 1,000 colleges and universities, Fortune 100-500 companies, foundations, churches/faith-based institutions and denominational conventions, P/K-12 school districts, national organizations, non-profit organizations, non-government organizations, state/city legislatures, United States Postal Service, Koch Industries Chemical Manufacturing Company, Conoco-Phillips Oil, Mobil Oil, the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training, as keynote speaker, consultant, presenter, strategist, educator, trainer, and minister.
U.S. Leadership Consulting
ERIC annually presents innovative macro/micro-cultural diversity, leadership, and strategic planning workshops, and seminars nationally via Blacks In Government (BIG) to various White House, U.S. Departments, and Agencies, such as State, Treasury, Defense, Justice, Attorney General, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Energy, Education, Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, Secret Service, Faith-Based, Brother’s Keepers, Farm Bureau, National Science Foundation, Federal Aviation Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Environmental Protection Agency, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, General Services Administration, as well as to the Executive Offices, and U.S. House Of Congress: Representatives and Senate.