Media Appearances
President Obama and Vice President Biden Speak at the White House Easter Prayer Breakfast
Dr. Eric & Jill Joseph were honored guests of the first Afrikan-American and historic 44th U.S. President Barack H. Obama II and the 47th U.S. Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the Blue Room before the final Easter Prayer Breakfast in the State Dining Room of the White House, 30 March 2016.
Dr. Joseph has worked with and served as a non-partisan five U.S. Presidents and Commander-In-Chief administration.
Rev. Dr. Eric Anthony Joseph Discuss Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr on TCT TV (Akron, OH) with Host Tom C. Nolan on Jan 18 2021
Theologian Scholar Rev. Dr. Eric Anthony Joseph discusses excerpts from his dissertation on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his life after the dream on TCT TV with host Min. Tom C. Nolan on January 18, 2021.
Dr. Eric Anthony Joseph serves as a panelist to discuss his take on the 2020 post-election results.
Dr. Joshua Speaks presents his annual monthly panel for November, "Processing the 2020 Election: Reflecting on the American Experiment". Join Dr. Smith, along with Dr. Walter Augustine, Dr. Janalyn Glymph, and Dr. Eric Anthony Joseph as they discuss their fascinating take on the November 2, 2020, post-election results.
Mr. Chuck Kennedy took the White House photo
Langston's Rev. Dr. Eric A. Joseph speaks to and honored by U.S. Congress in 2002
On Wednesday, 18 September 2002, ERIC served as the “Guest Chaplain For A Day” and opened the 107th U.S. House of Congress with the invocation prayer on C-SPAN-TV. He was then honored on The U.S. House Floor by U.S. Congressman Hon. Ernest Jim Istook, Jr. (R-OK) for his life work and ministry and welcomed by both the 51st Speaker Hon. John Dennis Hastert (R-IL), and a fellow HBCU alumnus U.S. Congressman Hon. Daniel K. Davis (D-IL) on the U.S. House Floor.
One Oklahoma Professor’s views about President Obama and MLK Jr.
In 2009, Oklahoma (OETA/PBS) New Horizon TV anchor Mr. Rob McClendon visits with Langston University professor, Rev. Dr. Eric Anthony Joseph, about Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the historic inauguration of Barack H. Obama II, and what it means for our country.
Dr. Eric Joseph Visits on OETA about Dr. Martin L. King, Jr
In 2008, Langston University Gazette Newspaper Director and Editor Ms. Chaz Foster-Kyser continued the conversation for Oklahoma New Horizon TV with her LU colleague and scholar Rev. Dr. Eric Anthony Joseph about Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. Joseph has the Honor of Delivering the Invocation to the 107th Congress