We Serve Clients Across the Nation and Around the World
Intro Consultation
I offer a complimentary one-hour service to go over the application process with you to book my services. After this initial consultation, I follow up with you to recommend an appropriate service and pricing for your needs.
Type Of Consultations
I am available to discuss with you about finding the right topic, time frame, and appropriate formats such as workshops, seminars, training, key-notes, lectures, preaching, revivals, consulting, small groups, one on one, and more.
Complete Service
I offer a complete service that includes evaluating your record, establishing reachable goals, advising you throughout the application process, and advocating for you.
Intellectual Entrepreneur and Global Thought Leader
ERIC is a noted “Intellectual Entrepreneur,” a trailblazing educator, theologian, and global thought leader on several hot button topics, but not limited to the following concentrations diversity, race, love, relationships, marriage, and of course leadership.
ERIC is a sought after Keynote speaker, strategist, educator, minister, consultant, leader, Reality TV actor, Radio personality, retired athlete, political operative, philanthropist, and humorist. He is also a noted academician in several concentrations, such as Human history/experiences, macro/micro/multi/inter-cultures, education, humanities, religion, philosophy, psychology, sociology, human development, genealogist, sociology, politics, corporate responsibility, industrial, and organizational change.
ERIC’s pedagogical and andragogical maxim is “If You Do Not Learn The Way That I Teach, Then I Should Teach The Way That You Learn.” He believes that Educators should be able to not merely reject but to adapt, adopt, and adjust to the multicultural learning style of their student-learners in the classroom without compromising academic integrity. Also, our student-learners education should go far beyond the textbook, the computer screen, or the written exam.

ERIC believes that age is no longer just a pathway to opportunity and success, but a pre-requisite, and that early childhood education matters and that it is a continuous development “From The High Chair to High School to Higher Education.” He concurs with First Things First research that “90% of a child’s brain develops before they start kindergarten. And research shows that the quality of a child’s experiences in their first five years helps shape how their brain develops.” Furthermore, the findings found that “Kids with positive, stable relationships with parents and caregivers, as well as quality child care and preschool experiences, go on to do better in school and life. They are more likely to read at grade level and graduate from high school. They are more prepared for college and career. They also tend to be healthier and demand less from the public welfare system. These are better outcomes for kids that also save taxpayers money.”
As an advocate for early, middle, and later education, ERIC continues to travel across the country, promoting and speaking on his “hot button” Pre-K to grade-16 readiness and survival skills workshop entitled “From The High Chair to High School to Higher Education.” He supports that school readiness and preparatory programs should include pre-kindergarten children from the high chair age.
These programs, through education, should serve every social, economic status, health, spiritual, and other “macro-micro culture” services of the child from not only the high chair age but through high school and higher education.
As an educator, ERIC champions the Arizona State University (ASU) innovative charter, and he further believes that maybe every comprehensive public research university should be “measured not by whom it excludes, but by whom it includes and how they succeed; advancing research and discovery of public value; and assuming fundamental responsibility for the economic, social, cultural and overall health of the communities it serves.”
Right-On ASU!